Ohio Department of Agriculture - Pet Store Definition : ShoMaiSou News

Ohio Department of Agriculture - Pet Store Definition

by Rex Gaylord on 03/02/19

The Ohio Department of Agriculture under the leadership of new Director Dorothy Pelanda has interpreted the definition of a pet store in Ohio to include anybody who sells a dog in the state of Ohio.  A "Pet Store" must obtain a Pet Store License.  Due to this, Sho Mai Sou has stopped the transfer of ownership of any of our dogs or puppies.  We will resume the transfer of our dogs and puppies when we either get a Pet Store License, the Ohio Law is changed or the Ohio Department of Agriculture reverses their decision.  Below is the definition in question:

A "Pet store" is defined as an individual retail store to which both of the following apply: the store sells dogs to the public; and with regard to the sale of a dog from the store, the sales person, the buyer of a dog, and the dog for sale are physically present during the sales transaction so that the buyer may personally observe the dog and help ensure its health prior to taking custody. "Pet store" does not include an animal rescue for dogs, an animal shelter for dogs, a humane society, a medical kennel for dogs, or a research kennel for dogs.

While I totally disagree with the ODA interpretation that we are an "Individual Retail Store" that is referred to in the Ohio State Statue definition of a "Pet Store," we will comply with the Ohio Department of Agriculture decision until the issue is resolved.

Channel 4 Columbus News Story Example of issue

Thank you for your interest in our dogs.  Please fill out our application to be a home for one of our dogs, review our FAQ, add us to your Facebook and check out our business presence on Facebook.  Sho Mai Sou and Rex's Doggie Walkie.


Book an Appointment to visit our dogs in our home.  You may also Schedule a call with any questions.

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Puppy Application:  http://app.shomaisou.com

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